Ingat Waktu Coy



23 October 2013

My Pain


It's evil

I hate it

I feel it

I know it's there

There's no denying it now

I can feel it trying to burst free

It wants to control me

It's so close

So close to owning me

I don't know what time it is anymore

All I know is I've been calling long as I can remember

And no one answers

No one picks up on the other end

No one can help

No one can make her leave

It's the very worst part of me

And yes it's been in me for so long it is a part of me

It's like a leg or an arm now

They say just forget it

They say it will go away

They don't understand

They don’t know my hate

They don’t know my pain

They don't know why I can't kill it

It's not something you just kill

You can't just forget about it

You can't just send it away

It's deeper

It's not a feeling

It's alive

It's another person

It’s not what I remember being

This isn't me I always say

But it is

It's so much a part of me now

she owns my arms and legs


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